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Protect Portland's Working Waterfront Economy

The group behind Citizen Initiative E has withdrawn their support from the proposal to limit cruise ships to 1.000 passengers per day. The proposal, if it passes, would kill longshore jobs that working waterfront families depend on and hurt small businesses in the Old Port that serve tourists. Originally submitted as a solution to lessen the impact of the cruise industry on Portland’s environment,  it fails to do anything meaningful. Still, it sits on the ballot without support, and proves disastrous if passed.


Learn more, and please Vote No on Citizen Initiative E!

Hear from Portland Residents About Why They Plan to Vote No on Citizen Initiative E

I love to watch them come in because I know that there are going to be people making money, not just the longshoremen tying up and letting the ships go, but also the commercial interests in Portland and in other places as well.

Michael Connolly

Lifelong Portland Resident and Professor Emeritus

When you read the ballot question, it sounds good on paper. Do you want to reduce pollution and congestion? Yes, I do. But what you don’t understand with that ballot question is the economic impact it’ll have on the city.

Captain Sarah Kaplan

Portland Tugboat LLC

Getting Involved

Help Defeat
Citizen Initiative E


“This would have a negative economic impact, especially on those who can least afford it. Those working in service industries, non-profit attractions, retail, as street vendors, and others would be hit hard.

When it comes to congestion and pollution, presumably the Act is referring to vehicles, not the presence of visitors. This referendum is a ham-handed attempt to impose a hard and fast simple rule that cannot solve a complex problem. It should be rejected”.     –  Roseanne Graeff, West End News



It’s hard to believe that something with so few details, and studies to back it up, could make it onto the Portland Ballot. Read Citizen Initiative E and then vote NO in November. Protect our gem of a working waterfront and ensure it continues to thrive, in part from tourism.

Read Citizen Initiative E


Read the complete guide to the referendums from the Portland Press Herald

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